We Make Propane Affordable!

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Local Offices in Falls Creek and Woodland.  No Overseas Call Centers!

Think Moore
Save Moore
Moore Propane
Family Owned, Personal Service
Commercial Installations!
Convenient Apps
Installation Experts
In Ground Tanks!
Over 200 Years of Combined Experience!
Visit Us in Falls Creek, PA Today!


2024 Pre-Buy is Now Available!

(See Letter Below for Details)

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We've added a new truck to our fleet to help spread the word!

You can read more about environmentally friendly propane HERE!

 Moore Propane Woodland!

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Tank Monitoring Services and App!


View Your Account, Pay Your Bill Online, and More!

(learn how HERE)


Learn About Our Budget Options


Why Choosing a Local, Family Owned Propane Supplier is Better!

 (Click the above links for more information)


Moore Propane is Proud to Support Breast Cancer Awareness!

Read more about our breast cancer awareness truck HERE

Welcome to Moore Propane! 

Moore Propane, LLC is a locally owned and family operated business. We have locations in Falls Creek, PA and Woodland, PA. Together, our team has over 200 years of combined experience in the propane industry. Unlike many other companies, when you call Moore Propane you will most likely be speaking directly to an owner! We proudly serve Jefferson, Clearfield, and Clarion counties and portions of Elk and Indiana counties.

At Moore Propane, LLC we offer competitive pricing and customer service above and beyond the competition. Whether for home, farm, business, or industry we have the knowledge and expertise to serve your propane needs.

Our goal is to provide you with clean, safe, reliable, and affordable propane with the personalized service you expect from a hometown business. To learn more about our propane and pricing options call us today!

Falls Creek: (814) 299-7073

Woodland: (814) 857-2139


Why Local? Check HERE!

Our propane delivery region currently consists of

DuBois, Clearfield, Brookville, Clarion, Reynoldsville, Falls Creek, Sykesville, Brockway, Kersey, Rossiter, Sigel, Fisher, Curwensville, St. Mary’s, Johnsonburg, Wilcox, Rockton, Luthersburg, Sabula, Troutville, Saint Mary’s, Emporium, Ridgway, Punxsutawney, Knoxdale, Weedville, Hazen, Bennet’s Valley, Caledonia, Sterling Run, Medix Run, Sinnemahoning, Quehanna, Benezette, Clear Creek, Cooks Forest, Altoona, Huntington, State College, and More!

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